Smart Transportation Smart Environment Smart Meteorology

Road Surface Condition Sensors

Release time:2018-05-22 17:46:47Read times: time

Remote Sensing Road Surface Condition Sensors                  Embedded Road Surface Condition Sensors

Remote Sensing and Embedded Road Surface Condition Sensors:

       The remote sensing road surface condition sensor is based on optical principles. It utilizes the different infrared spectral characteristics of water, ice, and snow to compare the spectral information reflected from a dry road surface with the spectral information obtained when there is a covering. This allows for real-time detection of the road surface's dry, damp, and wet states, measurement of the types and thicknesses of water, ice, and snow coverage, and accurate measurement of road surface temperature, water film height, ice layer thickness, snow thickness, freezing point temperature, ice content, salt content, and friction coefficient. It can also accurately determine the dry and wet conditions of the road surface.

       The embedded road condition sensors integrate various measurement probes that directly contact the road surface and can measure road temperature, water film height, freezing point temperature, ice content/ice percentage, salt content, and friction coefficient. They can also accurately determine whether the road surface is dry or wet.

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